About Us

This site was created by a simple passion, nothing to sell, nothing to offer except a series of recommendations that will certainly facilitate your vacation. The times we live are not the best to think of a trip...MAKE YOUR OWN QUOTE REQUEST AND WE'LL REPLY TO YOU WITH THE BEST RATE AND TRIKS TO COME IN ROME AND SAVE YOUR MONEY!    


In fact we always have traveled the length and breadth of Europe and the world and we assure you that we never had money. Only a passion inspires us to create a website with the only purpose of helping those who are moved by our own impulse to travel and especially to go to one of the city that you have to visit from every perspective and I assure that is the only way you have to visit Rome.

We propose as if we were friends here in town and then call us, send us an email so if you have a question, a curiosity (of any kind!), an interest : do not hesitate to contact us!!!

We assure you that we will always be willing to help, not because we are angels or missionaries Samaritans but only because prompts us unconditional love to our city, both historical and social interest that we share with the more people from around the world and then not be afraid and start from now to plan your trip in the eternal city.

You need advice on a cheap flight, you need a cheap hotel there, need a cheap transfer?

You need a cheap travel, you just need some advice?

The Cheap Advices Team©2011
This site was created by a simple passion, nothing to sell, nothing to offer except a series of recommendations that will certainly facilitate your vacation. The times we live are not the best to think of a trip...MAKE YOUR OWN QUOTE REQUEST AND WE'LL REPLY TO YOU WITH THE BEST RATE AND TRIKS TO COME IN ROME AND SAVE YOUR MONEY!

In fact we always have traveled the length and breadth of Europe and the world and we assure you that we never had money. Only a passion inspires us to create a website with the only purpose of helping those who are moved by our own impulse to travel and especially to go to one of the city that you have to visit from every perspective and I assure that is the only way you have to visit Rome.

We propose as if we were friends here in town and then call us, send us an email so if you have a question, a curiosity (of any kind!), an interest : do not hesitate to contact us!!!

We assure you that we will always be willing to help, not because we are angels or missionaries Samaritans but only because prompts us unconditional love to our city, both historical and social interest that we share with the more people from around the world and then not be afraid and start from now to plan your trip in the eternal city.

You need advice on a cheap flight, you need a cheap hotel there, need a cheap transfer?

You need a cheap travel, you just need some advice?

Contact Us!!

The Cheap Advices Team©2011